Android users can now grab Oreo’s version of the Pixel launcher

     #.Android users can now grab Oreo’s version of the Pixel launcher.


1.  A couple of months ago you might remember that Reddit user AmirZ released a rootless solution to install a full-featured version of the Pixel Launcher. Earlier solutions left users with a gimped version that wouldn’t allow access to the Google Now panel or the G Search widget. AmirZ discovered that Google intentionally designed the Pixel launcher to restrict these features so they could remain exclusive to Pixel phones. Luckily, with a few tweaks, AmirZ was able to get around those restrictions.

2.  The port was developed and then subsequently released on Github in June. Development continued for about a month but ceased when AmirZ announced they would be back to do another version once Android Oreo dropped. Now, mere days after the release of Oreo, AmirZ is back with Pixel Launcher 2.0.

3. The previous version stuck to a “don’t fix what’s not broken” philosophy where stability was the first priority. Now with the knowledge gained from the previous release, AmirZ has added some extra features.

Here are the features of Pixel Launcher 2.0.

#.     QSB with transparent rectangle, Google Pill and Date/Weather
Different colours of notification dots
Filter Google Wallpapers and Voice Search from the apps list
Use Google Wallpapers to select a wallpaper when available
Device profiles, margins, icon counts
Disabled partner customization like Motorola’s 4 columns
Google Now feed on the left of the normal workspace
Google Calendar app icon with the date
And here are the developer’s additions to the launcher:

Pull down for notifications for Nougat devices
Oreo theme backported to older OS versions with Pixel Blue accent colour
Notification dots backported to Marshmallow
Automatically prompts for notification access so you won’t have to dig through settings menus
Fix Android 8 checks so Nexus devices can use all new features
Show icon shapes on Android 8 without developer settings enabled
Pressing the date widget opens the default calendar app
Keyboard properly closes when returning to the home screen from any app
Symmetrical hotseat
Filter Google Now Launcher from the apps list
Pinch to overview
Samsung Secure Folder compatibility
Backport of circle icons.

To use this version of the Pixel Launcher, you’ll need to make sure you don’t already have the Play Store version installed. To get the weather widget to work, the developer had to name the package the same as the Pixel Launcher from Google. If you try to install this on top of the Play Store version, you’ll get a corrupt package error and the install will cancel. Also, since Google won’t let you uninstall the Pixel launcher from your Pixel phone, this launcher is for non-Pixel phones only.
Thanks for sharing


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